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第一条 为了照顾国家派往国外工作、学习人员(以下简称出国人员)的合理需要,加强对国家限制进口物品的管理,特制定本规定。
第二条 出国人员进出境携带的行李物品以自用合理数量为限。出国人员进境时携带的行李物品,在本规定附件《出国人员带进物品限量表》(以下简称《限量表》)规定的品种、数量内给予免税。出国人员在外工作、学习每满六个月(180天)的,准予免税带进《限量表》第四、五项物品各一件,最多连续免税四年,其中经援人员和承包劳务人员不受最高连续免税年限限制。临时出国人员在外不满六个月(180天)的,每公历年首次进境准予征税带进《限量表》第四、五项物品各一件。
第三条 本规定所称“长期出国人员”是指因公连续在国外工作、学习一年以上的人员。“经援人员”是指执行政府间对外经济技术等援助协议的长期出国人员。“承包劳务人员”是指经国务院或经贸部批准,有权经营对外承包劳务业务的公司,为执行与外商签订的劳务或承包工程合同,所派出的持因公普通护照的各种工程技术、管理人员及各工种人员。“临时出国人员”是指因公临时派往国外工作、学习不满一年的各类人员。
第四条 长期出国人员,由海关发给《进口免税物品登记证》(以下简称《登记证》)。进境时由长期出国人员本人(包括免验人员)将所带物品填报在《登记证》上,以便海关查验核放。《登记证》的发放范围,由海关从严掌握。
第五条 长期出国人员托出国人员带进《限量表》第四、五项所列物品,海关凭我驻外机构开具的《托带物品证明》和物品所有人的《登记证》登记核放,并计算在本人携带免税物品限量内,超出限量的不准托带进口。
第六条 出国人员在国内指定供应出国人员外汇商品的单位购买物品需持护照,所购物品计算在本人征免税限量内。
第七条 出国人员用个人所得外汇, 为本单位购买的科研、教学专业用品(不包括一般家用电器,如电视机、录音机等),应由司局级以上(含司局级)单位出具证明,经海关核准后免税放行。不属于以上范围的物品,应按规定缴纳进口税。
第八条 出国人员不得接受外籍人、华侨、港澳同胞、台湾同胞委托带进或带出的物品,也不得委托他们带进物品。
第九条 出国人员进出境不得携带国家规定禁止进出境的物品。
第十条 出国人员应遵守本规定及其它有关规定,认真履行海关手续。经海关免税放行的自用物品需出售时,应售给经批准经营外货的国营商业部门。
第十一条 经批准前往香港、澳门地区工作的人员携带进境的物品,也按本规定办理,但不得托带物品进境。
第十二条 本规定自一九八九年九月十日起实施。

| 品 名 | 数 量 |
|一、食品、衣料、衣着、工艺美术品、| |
| 普通手表和价值人民币二百元 | 限合理数量 |
| (含二百元)以下的其它生活用 | |
| 品 | |
|二、香烟 | 400支 |
| 或雪茄 | 100支 |
| 或烟丝 | 500克 |
|三、12度以上酒精饮料 |2瓶(每瓶限0.75升) |
|四、电视机、洗衣机、电冰箱、照像 | 出国人员:在外每满六个月(180|
| 机、录像机、组合音响、收录音 |天)任选一件免税,最多连续免税四年 |
| 机、摩托车和价值在人民币五百 | |
| 元上、一千元(含一千元)以下 | 经援和承包劳务人员:每满六个月 |
| 的其它生活用品 |(180天)任选一件免税 |
| | 不满六个月的临时出国人员:每公历|
| |年内首次进境任选一件征税 |
|五、普通电子琴、普通照像机、打字 | 出国人员:在外每满六个月(180|
| 机和价值在人民币二百元以上、 |天)任选一件免税,最多连续免税四年 |
| 五百元(含五百元)以下的其它 | |
| 生活用品 | 经援和承包劳务人员:每满六个月 |
| |(180天)任选一件免税 |
| | 不满六个月的临时出国人员:每公 |
| |历年内首次进境任选一件征税 |


Important Notice: (注意事项)
英文本源自中华人民共和国务院法制局编译, 中国法制出版社出版的《中华人民
当发生歧意时, 应以法律法规颁布单位发布的中文原文为准.
This English document is coming from the "LAWS AND REGULATIONS OF THE
which is compiled by the Brueau of Legislative Affairs of the State
Council of the People's Republic of China, and is published by the China
Legal System Publishing House.
In case of discrepancy, the original version in Chinese shall prevail.

Whole Document (法规全文)
(Approved by the State Council on August 28, 1989 and promulgated
by the General Customs Administration on September 6, 1989)
Article 1
These Provisions are formulated in order to show consideration for the
reasonable needs of the personnel sent abroad by the State to work or
study (hereinafter referred to as "the personnel going abroad"), and to
strengthen the control of articles the importation of which is restricted
by the State.
Article 2
The luggage and articles carried by the personnel entering or leaving the
country shall be restricted to those for personal use and within
reasonable quantities. The personnel going abroad, while entering the
country, shall be given the preferential treatment of exemption from duty
for the luggage and articles they carry along that belong to the varieties
and within the quantities stipulated in the Table of Restricted Quantities
for Articles to be Carried into the Country by the Personnel Going Abroad,
attached to these Provisions as an appendix (hereinafter referred to as
"the Table of Restricted Quantities"). The personnel going abroad, who
have worked or studied abroad, for every 6 months (i.e. 180 days), shall
be permitted to carry into the country duty-free two articles - one
article each from Category 4 and Category 5, as listed in the Table of
Restricted Quantities; the aforesaid personnel going abroad are permitted
to enjoy the said preferential treatment for four successive years at
most. This time limit, however, does not apply to the personnel sent
abroad to carry out an economic-aid program or to fulfil a labour
contract. With respect to personnel temporarily going abroad, who stay
abroad for less than 6 months (i.e. 180 days), they shall be permitted to
carry into the country, after paying the duty, two articles - one article
each from Category 4 and Category 5, as listed in the Table of Restricted
Quantities, when they enter the country for the first time in a year in
terms of the Gregorian calendar.
Article 3
The term "personnel going abroad on a long-term basis", as used in these
Provisions, refers to such personnel who are sent out by the State to work
or study abroad for a period of more than one year. The term "personnel
sent abroad to carry out an economic-and program" refers to such personnel
who are sent to work abroad on a long-term basis to carry out an economic
and technological aid program signed between two governments. The term
"personnel sent abroad to fulfil a labour contract" refers to such
technical, engineering, and administrative personnel who are sent abroad,
holding ordinary passports issued to citizens going abroad on public
business, to fulfil a labour or construction contract, signed with foreign
businessmen by a company vested with the right to manage external
contracting and labour business with the approval of the State Council or
of the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade. The term
"personnel temporarily going abroad" refers to various categories of
personnel, who are sent, temporarily, by the State to work abroad or study
for a period of less than one year.
Article 4
With respect to personnel going abroad on a long-term basis, the Customs
shall issue to them "Registration Certificate for Duty-free Imported
Articles" (hereinafter referred to as "the Registration Certificate").
While entering the country, the personnel going abroad on a long-term
basis (including those who are exempted from inspection) shall declare at
the Customs by filling in the Registration Certificate the articles they
carry along, so that the Customs may give clearance after inspection and
verification. The Customs shall strictly control the scope of issuance of
the Registration Certificates.
Article 5
In case the personnel going abroad on a long-term basis ask other
personnel going abroad to carry into the country articles under Categories
4 and 5, as listed in the Table of Restricted Quantities, the Customs
shall give clearance after examining "Certification for Carrying Articles
by Entrustment" issued by a Chinese organ abroad and the Registration
Certificate of owners of the said articles, and the said articles shall be
counted in the restricted quantity of duty-free articles carried into the
country by the owners themselves. Articles that exceed the restricted
quantity are not permitted to be carried into the country by entrustment.
Article 6
In case the personnel going abroad buy articles at a unit in the country
designated by the State to provide the personnel going abroad with goods
paid for in foreign exchange, they shall present their passports, and the
articles bought shall be counted in their restricted quantity of duty-free
Article 7
In case the personnel going abroad use their own foreign exchange earnings
to buy, for their work-unit, equipment and articles for scientific
research and teaching (not including such general household electrical
appliances as TV sets, tape recorders, etc.), such equipment and articles
shall be exempted from duty and the Customs shall give clearance after it
has examined and verified the certification issued by a government organ
at the department/bureau level or higher. Import duties shall be levied on
articles not belonging to the aforesaid categories in accordance with the
pertinent provisions.
Article 8
The personnel going abroad must not accept articles to be brought into or
out of the country as entrusted by persons of foreign nationalities,
overseas Chinese, and compatriots from Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan;
neither shall they entrust the aforesaid people with the carrying of
articles into the country.
Article 9
The personnel going abroad, while entering or leaving the country, must
not carry articles the import and export of which are forbidden by the
Article 10
The personnel going abroad shall comply with these Provisions and other
pertinent provisions, and go through the Customs procedures
conscientiously. In the event that they wish to sell their personal
articles which have been given Customs clearance duty-free, they shall
sell them to a State-run commercial department that is authorized by the
State to handle foreign goods.
Article 11
Personnel who are approved to go to work in the regions of Hong Kong and
Macao shall go through the procedures also in accordance with these
Provisions when they carry articles into the country; but they must not
ask other people to carry articles for them into the country.
Article 12
These Provisions shall go into effect on September 10, 1989.
Table of Restricted Quantities for Articles to Be Carried into the Country
by the Personnel Going Abroad
|Name of Articles |Quantity |
|1. Foodstuffs, dress materials, garments, | |
| arts and crafts, ordinary watches, and | |
| other articles for daily use which cost |within reasonable quantities |
| RMB 200 yuan or less (including RMB | |
| 200 yuan) | |
|2. Cigarettes |400 cigarettes |
| or cigars, |100 cigars |
| or pipe tobacco |500 grams |
|3. Alcoholic beverages: |2 bottles, each bottle contains no more |
| with alcoholic content 12% or higher |than 0.75 liter |
|4. TV sets, washing machines, refriger- |Personnel going abroad: for every 6 |
| ators, cameras, video cassette |months (180 days), may choose one of |
| recorders, stereo sound systems, radio |them, duty-free, and enjoy this |
| and tape recorders, motorcycles, and |preferential treatment of duty-exemption |
| articles for daily use which cost |for four successive years at most. |
| between RMB 500 - 1,000 (inclusive | |
| yuan |Personnel sent abroad to carry out an |
| |economic-aid program and personnel |
| |sent abroad to fulfil a labour contract: for |
| |every 6 months (180 days), may choose |
| |one of them, duty-free. |
| | |
| |Temporary personnel going abroad: for |
| |less than 6 months, first entry in every |
| |solar year, choose one and pay duty. |
|5. Ordinary electronic organs, ordinary |Personnel going abroad: for every 6 |
| cameras, typewriters, and other articles |months (180 days), may choose one of |
| for daily use which cost between RMB |them, duty-free, and enjoy this |
| 200 - 500 (inclusive) yuan |preferential treatment of duty-exemption |
| |for four successive years at most. |
| | |
| |Personnel sent abroad to carry out an |
| |economic-aid program and personnel |
| |sent abroad to fulfil a labour contract: for |
| |every 6 months (180 days), may choose |
| |one of them, duty-free. |
| | |
| |Temporary personnel going abroad: for |
| |less than 6 months, first entry in every |
| |solar year, choose one and pay duty. |
[*1] The value of the aforesaid articles shall be appraised in accordance
with C.I.F. [*2] None of the articles listed in Category 4 and Category 5
of this Table shall be chosen a second time in the same year.
[*3] In case the temporary personnel are sent abroad many times, their
duration of stay abroad on different occasions shall not be added up to
obtain an accumulative total.

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法治与人治的较量 --兼论德治




For a long time, people always think that it is the best administration way to under the rule of law, and rule by men 、the rule of virtue be avoided without mentioning. Recently,Comrade Jiang Zemin put forward new opinion that running the country according to law and running the country with morality be combined together, making how relation of three deal with rule of men, rule of law, rule of virtue become a problem badly in need of solution of theory circle and practice circle . This article attempt to set about from the battle between rule of men and rule of law , after clarfy the relation of two,it is discussed the rule of virtue , in the hope of obtain a shortcut to solve this problem.The article divide into five parts altogether, the first part is the introduction, it is quoted from the struggle against SARS that there was an doubt of the theory of rule of law is superior, Getting in touch with the new opinion that rule of law and rule of virtue be combined together proposed by Jiang Zemin , it is proposed that rule of law having deficiency, rule of men and rule of law have their own strong points each , should be examined from the historical angle closely;Arrange from the Second to the fourth part is the maintext,it is probed into the theory and practice under rule of law and rule of men in Chinese and Western side in three different historical periods (ancient times, Middle Ages, modern times) separately , Introduced the battle between rule of men and rule of law in ancient Greece and period forward to Qin, Rome empire and Chinese feudal society, Middle Ages and modern West, modern China, the former Soviet Union, New China.The fifth part is the conclusion, it is summarized above content firstly , proposed that rule of men and rule of law be combined, and therefore make a deep analysis on the new opinion that running the country according to law and running the country with morality be combined together proposed by Comrade Jiang Zemin ,and put forward that rule of virtue and rule by law have no big relation , rule of virtue is the main form of expression by rule of men.
Keyword: rule of men rule of law rule of virtue

1、古希腊的人治论与法治论 2、中国先秦百家对人治与法治的论述
1、罗马帝国 2、中国封建社会
1、中世纪托马斯等人的思想 2、启蒙运动时的思想
1、维辛斯基等人的思想 2、中国的人治法治大讨论
1、前苏联的法治之路 2、新中国的法治之路

到了古希腊的苏格拉底、柏拉图和亚里士多德师生时代,上述思想被继承并加以发挥。苏格拉底认为“美德即知识“,因此统治者应该是有知识的治国之才。他把统治者比作老练的航海专家,而被统治的人民则相当于船的所有者及船上的一切其他人,他们都要服从于这个有知识的行家。他视帝王之术为最尊贵的才能,最高贵的才艺。其人治的一面展露的淋漓尽致,但他也重视法律,认为僭主政体不依法而依统治者的意志。他还指示人们前往“只需服从法律的城邦”去。为了捍卫雅典城邦法律的尊严,履行其认为应该履行的服从法律的义务,他宁愿接受不公的死刑判决也不越狱偷生。(1)从这一点看,苏氏的法治重于人治。作为苏氏学生的柏拉图,他受埃及等级制及好友“明君”阿启泰、狄翁的影响,在早期作品《理想国》中勾勒了一个由“哲学王”统治的理想社会,并表示出对法律的不信任,认为“不停的制定和修改法律--来杜绝商业及其他方面的弊端”,无异于“在砍九头蛇的脑袋”。“在哲学家成为城邦的统治者之前,无论城邦还是公民个人都不能终止邪恶,我们用理论想象出来的制度也不能实现......”(见柏拉图著《理想国》,郭斌和 张竹明译 商务印书馆1986年版第143、255页)到了晚年,由于现实经历的打击(主要是身陷囹圄和好友狄翁被害),其思想自《政治家》落笔时就从人治转向法治。到《法律篇》时,他开始认识到“人们必须为他们自己制定的法律并在生活中遵循他们,否则他们会无异于最野蛮的野兽”。但他仍觉得好的独裁者与出色的立法者相结合是最完美的,“法律和规则”只能作为“知识”的“第二种替代物” (见柏拉图著《法律篇》,张智仁 何勤华译 上海人民出版社2001年7月版第309页)。人治在柏氏心目中还是重于法治的。可他的得意门生却不赞同这种思想。亚里士多德从柏氏的法治理论入手,将其第二套治国方案加以吸收,提出了法律主治的思想。在《尼可马科伦理学》中,他提出“我们许可的不是人的统治,而是法律的统治“。在《政治学》中他进一步主张“法治应当优于人治”。他对这一命题加以论证后,又对法治的双重意义加以诠释:“对已成立的法律普遍的服从,而大家所服从的法律又应该本身是制定良好的法律。”但亚氏在承认“法律是优良的统治者”的同时,并没抹杀人们尤其是政治家的智慧,认为“如果既是贤良政治,那就不会乱法” (见亚里士多德《政治学》[吴寿彭中译本,北京,商务印书馆1964年版]第168-171、199、271页)。他觉得有才德的人执政并由人民监督其依法治理的政体是最理想的。在这一点上,他与柏氏存在相通之处。
人们通常认为儒家主张人治,而法家主张法治。在笔者看来,并非完全如此。先从儒家说起,孔子一向被认为是一个人治论者。他曾说:周文王、武王关于治理国家的方针政策和业绩,都记载在书本上。现在的问题是有没有能够执行文武之道的人,有了这样的人,国家就能治理好,没有这样的人,国家就治理不好。所以,他的结论是:“为政在人。”他还认为“政”、“刑”的效果有限,只有“德”、“礼”才能从根本上解决问题。因而很多人以此就认为孔子崇尚人治,反对法治。但我们也不应忘了,孔子还说过:“礼乐不兴,则刑罚不中,刑罚不中,则民无所措手足”。(《论语.子路》),他并不是根本不要法与刑。孟子也被大众视为人治论的代表。人们经常引用他的一句话:“劳心者治人,劳力者治于人;治于人者食人,治人者食于人”。(《孟子•滕文公上》),并以此论证他是拥护君主专制的人治政体。但他所谓的“惟仁者宜在高位”是建立在“徒善不足以为政;徒法不能以自行”的理论基础之上的。因而他实际上是一个贤人与良法并重的思想家。荀子是儒家集成大者,他一反孔孟的“人性本善”,提出了性恶论,但由于他提出国家的治乱决定于有没有贤人当政,而不在有无良好的法律,因此也被人们视为人治思想家。如果我们仔细研读他的文章,就会发现他在发挥人的作用的同时,也充分估计了法对国家统治者的重要。如”法者,治之端也”;只要具备法治、佐贤、民愿、俗善四个条件就可以称王。他从法治和人治相辅相成的观点出发,着重阐述了人本思想,“君子者法之原也”,“君子者治之原也。”(《荀子.君道》)“有良法而乱者有之矣,有君子而乱者,自古及今未曾闻也。”(《荀子.王制》)再看法家,法家相信人性本恶并以此构建其法治理论。管仲在中国历史上首次为法治、人治下定义:“以法役人谓之法治,以人役人谓之人治”,并认为“先王之治国也,不淫意于法之外,不为虑于法之内也。动之非法者,所以禁止而外私也,威不两错,政不二门,以法治国,则举措而已”。(《管子.明法解》)“上不行法,则民不从”。(《管子.法法》)“法律政令者,吏民之规矩绳墨”。 (《管子.七臣七君》)认为法律不光只管老百姓。基于这些言论,故有人视之为世界法治之鼻祖。(2)管仲一区区齐国之祖,真能称得上这一雅号吗?笔者认为不是,管仲也说过:“夫生于法者君也,守法者臣也,法于法者民也。”(《管子.任法》)可见,法律只是君主用来实现“人治”国的一个手段。法家的后期代表,其法治思想远远逊色于管仲。但人们仍以商鞅、韩非为例,认为法家主张的是法治。商鞅的确曾劝告国君要“不贵义而贵法”,“任法而治”,但他也并不根本不要礼与德,他说:“法者所以爱民也,礼者所以便事也。是以圣人苟可以强国,不法其故,苟可以利民,不循其私”(《商君书.更法》)。韩非曾提出一系列“法治”口号,如“以法为本”,“明法者强,慢法者弱”,“不务德而务法”,“明主治吏不治民”,“上法而不上贤”。(《韩非子.忠孝》)但他和商鞅一样,都难以摆脱管仲法律工具论的影响。商鞅认为“法者,国之权衡也”(《商君书.修权》),韩非则将“法”视为“帝之具”。(《韩非子.定法》)由此可见,儒家重人治,也不忽视法治;法家重法治,也不轻人治。




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